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The Common Core Reading (R.6) goal and the Common Core Speaking and Listening (S.L. 2, S.L. 5) goals address that students use a variety of multimedia skills in reading, speaking, and listening. It is through performance, production, and participation in innovative and creative multi-media projects using art and music that those goals are accomplished.
It only makes sense that the arts are embedded in the Common Core. The use of tech toys, simple recording and drawing apps will be presented, as well as how to organize a system of sharing and assessment. The CC speaking and listening standards 2 and 5 directly have the students use visual and sound through diverse media and formats.
The backbone of literacy for your classroom that is the skeleton of innovative and creative multimedia projects. A systematic approach of visual and auditory arts through the use of digital storytelling will enhance the common core goals within your classroom and district using the arts as the glue.
It's all about.....ME! Have a connection that the students can FEEL and SEE.
To make a 30-second project about a WORLD instrument with a map showing
what country the instrument is or was from ANDa short voice-over with five interesting facts.
Select an instrument from website above
Make a folder on your desktop with the name of the instrument and 4T, 4S, or 4Z
Open WORD and put the five facts on your sheet - IN YOUR OWN WORDS, no copy and paste!
Find picture(s) of the instrument on google, then FULL size in iPhoto. Give credit (yes, copy and paste website link)
Create and iMovie or Keynote with pictures and music using that instrument
Export movie to Quicktime
Upload to VoiceThread and add comments on each slide
You must comment on your instrument AND on EACH page of “QUALITIES” PLUS What instrument would you like to play. If you play piano, let us know as well!
I have always taught a composer lesson for the 33 years as a music teacher. It started with simple reports and gradually grew to an online sharing of the a musical project. At first I was concerned about students LEARNING about the composer, dates, and facts. I quickly realized that they were NOT learning music but facts. The moment I had the composer’s music as the project, that is when the students learned! So, you won’t see a lot of facts just hear a lot of MUSIC!
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